Decision Lab

I created a spreadsheet model of "Farmers Market", Which shows six different product categories and their cost, revenue, cost with inflation, revenue with inflation and the profit. I also used formulas within the spreadsheet.


Penang Malaysian & Thai Cuisine

I love eating at Penang with my Husband and Friends.

My All Time Favorite Menu

  1. Roti Canai with Chicken Curry
  2. Red Curry Chicken with Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
  3. Coconut Fish Curry

Favorite Desserts and Beverages

  • Fried Ice Cream
  • Mango Ice Cream
  • Malaysian Ice Tea
  • Malaysian Lychee Drink
Visit Penang

CD Database

Susan's Spread Sheet

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Today small and large Companies and Organizations are using MIS and DSS in variety of ways. With the understanding on how to market the business, it is also important to make knowledgeable decisions with manager’s up to date understanding on how to use the tools like, MIS (management information systems) and DSS (decision support systems).

Information system is used all throughout companies and organization, but the term MIS describes particular system that provides managers with weekly, monthly or yearly reports, access to organizations current performance, planning, controlling and helps with decision making at the management level. Manager primarily uses MIS to find the problem or the forthcoming problems and then to understand them by finding their locations and causes. [2]

DSS is a computer based system intended to help business owners, executives and managers solve complicated business problems and or questions. Report writing software within the DSS will produce periodic or special reports. Mathematical Model organizes result as simulations. Groupware the term known as GDSS allow several problem solvers working together as a group or directly to find the solutions. GDSS includes a committee or a project team. “previously regarded as primarily a tool for big companies, DSS has in recent years come to be recognized as a potentially valuable tool for small business enterprises” [1],[4]

Once an Organization Include MIS and DSS to their computers, it is available for managers and executives to generate information that organization need. This gives them the ability to produce documents, charts and graphs for employee meetings and to get an idea of their business potential. This system will be easy for employees to put data and to retrieve information just like the general computer interfaces and it will be the same manner department to department. [3]

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