Decision Lab

I created a spreadsheet model of "Farmers Market", Which shows six different product categories and their cost, revenue, cost with inflation, revenue with inflation and the profit. I also used formulas within the spreadsheet.


Penang Malaysian & Thai Cuisine

I love eating at Penang with my Husband and Friends.

My All Time Favorite Menu

  1. Roti Canai with Chicken Curry
  2. Red Curry Chicken with Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
  3. Coconut Fish Curry

Favorite Desserts and Beverages

  • Fried Ice Cream
  • Mango Ice Cream
  • Malaysian Ice Tea
  • Malaysian Lychee Drink
Visit Penang

CD Database

Susan's Spread Sheet

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hardware and Software

Some of the Hardware and Software of Mobile Regime

Mobile business comes from people’s ability to have permanent access to information or services from anytime anywhere using a mobile phone or other handheld devices. It supports the business to exchange goods, services and information between employees, customers and business. “The value chain of mobile business is composed of five fields of activity. The infrastructure encompasses everything that is necessary to make applications on mobile devices work including the network, hardware, software, platforms, devices etc.”[3]


Email system e.g. Outlook or lotus notes - In this feature employees can communicate via emails for their needs and concerns.

Instant Messenger - People are able to communicate by instant messaging each other for questions and concerns of the work and people can put their availability e.g. If they are in a meeting or do not disturb mode.

Microsoft Office - By using this software such as Microsoft word or excel and power point, employees are able to do their work efficiently.

Operating System - windows or UNIX platform - An operating system takes care for all input and output in a computer system. It manages users, processes, memory management, printing, telecommunication, networking etc. [2]


VPN (Virtual Private Network) – A VPN is a private network that uses a public network such as internet to connect remotely. “ By using a VPN, businesses ensure security -- anyone intercepting the encrypted data can't read it.” [1] This is very convenient for people who travel to different part of the country/world as part of their work and they are able to connect to their business the system securely.

Pager – Some employees carry pager with them if they are on call at work, so employers are able to reach them in case of emergencies.

Firewall- Firewall gives protection to the computer from other hackers trying to break into the computer or network.

Handheld Device – I-Phone, I-Pad, I-Touch, etc.

For example, my co-worker uses a handheld device to track all her supplies and this helps her order supplies and bill suppliers for payment.




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