Decision Lab

I created a spreadsheet model of "Farmers Market", Which shows six different product categories and their cost, revenue, cost with inflation, revenue with inflation and the profit. I also used formulas within the spreadsheet.


Penang Malaysian & Thai Cuisine

I love eating at Penang with my Husband and Friends.

My All Time Favorite Menu

  1. Roti Canai with Chicken Curry
  2. Red Curry Chicken with Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
  3. Coconut Fish Curry

Favorite Desserts and Beverages

  • Fried Ice Cream
  • Mango Ice Cream
  • Malaysian Ice Tea
  • Malaysian Lychee Drink
Visit Penang

CD Database

Susan's Spread Sheet

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Database System

A database is an organized collection of data or given information, usually in digital form. For this particular research I am focusing on Microsoft SQL Server Database. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database, which created by Microsoft. This software stores and retrieves data requested by other applications. The first version of SQL server 1.0 was released in 1989. In 1989 Microsoft and Sybase were equal partners and they split up in 1995 and released a new version Microsoft SQL 6.0. There are many different editions of Microsoft SQL server. SQL server runs on XP, Vista, Windows Server 2000, 2003 and 2008 etc. [1], [3]

Stein Mart a business chain found in 1902, Concentrating in brand name clothing, shoes, accessories and home decor with 268 stores in the United States, was facing an issue with delayed data reporting due to the performance issue with the company’s data warehouse system IBM DB2 and AS/400 with the limited amount of column and rows provided on this version, The company was only able to fulfill a certain amount of data. “As a result, weekly data processing took at least 14 hours. Wajsman says, data system manager “On a regular basis, the data wasn’t ready for planning sessions.” [2]

To improve the business capabilities and for cost cutting due to the increased amount spending on hardware licensing and maintenance cost each month, Stein Mart decided on bringing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 enterprise database software, SQL Server 2008 reporting services and SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse. With the help of Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Pragmatic Works, old data reports were able to transfer to the new system. [2]

1. What specific challenges does your database system implementation have?
The challenges were looking at different types of database system before making the big decision on what works better for the company in terms of improving the business capabilities, Time consuming and cost effectiveness. After looking carefully at Oracle, Netezza and Microsoft. Stein Mart decided on choosing Microsoft SQL Server.

2. In what ways does it provide competitive advantage for the organization using it?
The advantages are faster sales report. Weekly sales reports are processed in less than 3 hours compare to 14 hours with the old system. 95% Reduced monthly cost compare to the old system. The company will also reduce its system maintenance costs by $50,000 every month.

3. What improvements would you suggest?
Through my research I find out that there will be a new version of Microsoft SQL Server coming out soon, the code name is “DENALI”. I would recommend for this company to implement the new version of SQL. It might be little bit more costly but this new version has extra features and should be much faster too. So, for long run it will benefit the company in all aspects.


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