Decision Lab

I created a spreadsheet model of "Farmers Market", Which shows six different product categories and their cost, revenue, cost with inflation, revenue with inflation and the profit. I also used formulas within the spreadsheet.


Penang Malaysian & Thai Cuisine

I love eating at Penang with my Husband and Friends.

My All Time Favorite Menu

  1. Roti Canai with Chicken Curry
  2. Red Curry Chicken with Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
  3. Coconut Fish Curry

Favorite Desserts and Beverages

  • Fried Ice Cream
  • Mango Ice Cream
  • Malaysian Ice Tea
  • Malaysian Lychee Drink
Visit Penang

CD Database

Susan's Spread Sheet

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Research about SaaS, IaaS and PaaS

Research about SaaS, IaaS and PaaS

IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS can all be described with just one word and that is IaaS is host, PaaS is build, and SaaS is consume. To further elaborate on these one word descriptions, IaaS that can be provided by a company comprises of a service that provides load balancing, content delivery networks, data storage, computer networking, routing, and virtualized operating system hosting. PaaS is also a service provided a company, but what is more unique about it is that it supplies with a platform for building web-based software applications, with abstractions of the underlying infrastructure. SaaS, on the other hand, makes up the actual software solution that is available to the clients. The software, itself can be delivered by many means, but the most common way is through the internet. What can be gained from each service is different as an IaaS essentially provides us with a computer or server, while a PaaS provides an application or framework, and finally a SaaS provides us with business functionality. Perhaps the best and the most popular example of SaaS is Gmail because the management of all the service that comes through Gmail is done through the vendor, which is Google, in this case. [2],[3]

One case example that uses SaaS as a service is an ambitious company called Progetan, which focuses on the healthcare domain. The great advantages that a SaaS service can have on the Indian healthcare industry were seen through this company. The main problem of smaller clinics and hospitals in India is the inability to invest heavily in IT and to gain benefits from it. However, this is seldom a problem with the larger hospital chains and clinics in India. Another main challenge with the Indian healthcare industry and as a matter of fact, with any healthcare industry is the speed and quality of healthcare. The greater the speed and quality, the better healthcare provided. However, this is easier said than done. With SaaS service, it is not only to make the statement, but it is easy to put such words into action. Since one of the challenges of the company is the investment that goes along with IT incorporation into smaller hospitals and clinics, a SaaS based practice management that put voice, data, coding, billing, receivable management, IT support, and Accounting, all into one package to be ready to be used as a solution. [1]

The main advantage that comes from such service is that this SaaS based practice is offered on pay-per-use model, which ultimately cut infrastructure costs for the smaller hospitals and clinics. In fact, by using the SaaS service, they can cut cost up to 70%. This type of service also provides with standardized data and processes. Using this service, doctors and hospitals are provided with a day-to-day support system for all activities such as appointment settling, billing, medical transcription, and patient monitoring. Doctors can even provide their service to patients from any location of their choice. Healthcare services can now be more improved and efficient because of patient data being stored online, available to be referred back to at any time. Such data can be used to provide more effective personalized patient services. The SaaS service can ultimately result in an interactive collaboratively working community providing advices to each other, as the network grows with an increase in doctors, clinics, and hospital chains. Progetan also incorporates social networking technologies to make it possible for doctors and patients to develop trust-worthy and effective relationships. Another advantage of having the Progetan platform as a base, is that a medical community exists for patients to access. A good example is when patients often inquire to be seen by doctors with specialties. In such instances, when the requested specialty doctor is not available, Progetan’s call center can be accessed to help find another doctor with the same expertise and specialty. [1]

Perhaps one of the drawbacks of such a product or service that can be improved on and that also affects the healthcare industry overall is the idea of confidential patient data. One of the main aspects of building such world class back office support systems with SaaS service for the benefit of medical practice that needs some concern or carefulness is patient data spilling out, which ultimately leads to what they call in the health-care field violation of HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Companies must assure that when developing such services, that ample care goes in the effect to protect confidential patient information.

work cited:

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