Decision Lab

I created a spreadsheet model of "Farmers Market", Which shows six different product categories and their cost, revenue, cost with inflation, revenue with inflation and the profit. I also used formulas within the spreadsheet.


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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Using Database to Map Human Migration

Critical Thinking Questions

1. How is the manipulation of Genographic data similar to the manipulation of business data?
Answer. In Business data manipulation, After DBMS has been installed, Employees and Managers can use it to review reports and obtain important Information. It is similar to the Genographic data manipulation. In Genographic data manipulation, participant gets a swab for gathering DNA from the Inside of the mouth then the DNA sample is sent to the Genographic project by mail. Participants can trace the progress of the research on their DNA online. Once analyzed, the participant is provided with historical Information about their ancestors and migration paths dating back to that African community 60,000 years ago.

Q. What DBMS tools and techniques are shared by both?
Answer. The tools that are shared by both are the Data-mining and business-Intelligence tools, used by businesses to find correlations between Business data are applied to the DNA information stored by the Genographic project. Advanced trend-mapping and analysis tools provide a deeper understanding of mutation rates and DNA-merging behavior. Lastly Automation,( the use of Information Technologies to reduce the need of human work)provided by database tools.

2. How does National Geographics investment in this DBMS assist other researchers?
Answer. The participation of more than 300,000 volunteers has created one of the largest repositories of genetic information and with hundreds of thousands samples of collected data, Which will help other researchers benefit from the use of this DBMS.

Q. How might this data be shared using the database concepts taught in this chapter?
Answer. By using database with other software and with the internet, Researchers can interact directly with others. With the back-end applications people will be able to interact with other users and websites. Data manipulation language which is provided with the DMBS allows users to access and modify the data and generate reports and by storing the data it will allow data to be shared.

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