Decision Lab

I created a spreadsheet model of "Farmers Market", Which shows six different product categories and their cost, revenue, cost with inflation, revenue with inflation and the profit. I also used formulas within the spreadsheet.


Penang Malaysian & Thai Cuisine

I love eating at Penang with my Husband and Friends.

My All Time Favorite Menu

  1. Roti Canai with Chicken Curry
  2. Red Curry Chicken with Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
  3. Coconut Fish Curry

Favorite Desserts and Beverages

  • Fried Ice Cream
  • Mango Ice Cream
  • Malaysian Ice Tea
  • Malaysian Lychee Drink
Visit Penang

CD Database

Susan's Spread Sheet

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Research about SaaS, IaaS and PaaS

Research about SaaS, IaaS and PaaS

IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS can all be described with just one word and that is IaaS is host, PaaS is build, and SaaS is consume. To further elaborate on these one word descriptions, IaaS that can be provided by a company comprises of a service that provides load balancing, content delivery networks, data storage, computer networking, routing, and virtualized operating system hosting. PaaS is also a service provided a company, but what is more unique about it is that it supplies with a platform for building web-based software applications, with abstractions of the underlying infrastructure. SaaS, on the other hand, makes up the actual software solution that is available to the clients. The software, itself can be delivered by many means, but the most common way is through the internet. What can be gained from each service is different as an IaaS essentially provides us with a computer or server, while a PaaS provides an application or framework, and finally a SaaS provides us with business functionality. Perhaps the best and the most popular example of SaaS is Gmail because the management of all the service that comes through Gmail is done through the vendor, which is Google, in this case. [2],[3]

One case example that uses SaaS as a service is an ambitious company called Progetan, which focuses on the healthcare domain. The great advantages that a SaaS service can have on the Indian healthcare industry were seen through this company. The main problem of smaller clinics and hospitals in India is the inability to invest heavily in IT and to gain benefits from it. However, this is seldom a problem with the larger hospital chains and clinics in India. Another main challenge with the Indian healthcare industry and as a matter of fact, with any healthcare industry is the speed and quality of healthcare. The greater the speed and quality, the better healthcare provided. However, this is easier said than done. With SaaS service, it is not only to make the statement, but it is easy to put such words into action. Since one of the challenges of the company is the investment that goes along with IT incorporation into smaller hospitals and clinics, a SaaS based practice management that put voice, data, coding, billing, receivable management, IT support, and Accounting, all into one package to be ready to be used as a solution. [1]

The main advantage that comes from such service is that this SaaS based practice is offered on pay-per-use model, which ultimately cut infrastructure costs for the smaller hospitals and clinics. In fact, by using the SaaS service, they can cut cost up to 70%. This type of service also provides with standardized data and processes. Using this service, doctors and hospitals are provided with a day-to-day support system for all activities such as appointment settling, billing, medical transcription, and patient monitoring. Doctors can even provide their service to patients from any location of their choice. Healthcare services can now be more improved and efficient because of patient data being stored online, available to be referred back to at any time. Such data can be used to provide more effective personalized patient services. The SaaS service can ultimately result in an interactive collaboratively working community providing advices to each other, as the network grows with an increase in doctors, clinics, and hospital chains. Progetan also incorporates social networking technologies to make it possible for doctors and patients to develop trust-worthy and effective relationships. Another advantage of having the Progetan platform as a base, is that a medical community exists for patients to access. A good example is when patients often inquire to be seen by doctors with specialties. In such instances, when the requested specialty doctor is not available, Progetan’s call center can be accessed to help find another doctor with the same expertise and specialty. [1]

Perhaps one of the drawbacks of such a product or service that can be improved on and that also affects the healthcare industry overall is the idea of confidential patient data. One of the main aspects of building such world class back office support systems with SaaS service for the benefit of medical practice that needs some concern or carefulness is patient data spilling out, which ultimately leads to what they call in the health-care field violation of HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Companies must assure that when developing such services, that ample care goes in the effect to protect confidential patient information.

work cited:

Web 2.0/Social Networks

Web 2.0/Social Networks

Web 2.0 is web as a platform, which offers services on the web site itself, than having the need to run the programs on your computer. Web 2.0 will allow users to interact with each other, Contribute, share Information and share videos. Technical Components that supports the web 2.0 are XML, Ajax, Various Programming languages, Plug-ins and widgets etc.

Ajax is supported by a group of applications (HTML, CSS, DOM, Java script) that works together in the background to open a page without interfering with the display and the behavior of the existing page. Web 2.0 allow users to built applications within a short period of time without higher technical knowledge. [1]

Some of the features that are in the web 2.0 include, Web log publishing tools, Blogs, Wikis or Forums, Instant messenger, Social Interaction and Tagging. Social Networking sites that uses the characteristics of web 2.0 are Face book, MySpace etc. These social networking sites allow users to interact with each other and web site like YouTube allows video sharing. Businesses and Schools can take advantage of the technology like web 2.0. Some Businesses are uncertain to bring web 2.0 to their companies, but some businesses that did not have money to pay for advertisement uses the advantages of web 2.0 to market their product by blogging and social computing, which is a new form of marketing. [2],[3]

New reports shows schools are not able to apply the latest technologies, because teacher's lack of knowledge on how to use the technologies. The most important aspect of web 2.0 is communication. And I think it is time for Businesses and Schools to take advantage of this application.

Work Cited:


Database System

A database is an organized collection of data or given information, usually in digital form. For this particular research I am focusing on Microsoft SQL Server Database. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database, which created by Microsoft. This software stores and retrieves data requested by other applications. The first version of SQL server 1.0 was released in 1989. In 1989 Microsoft and Sybase were equal partners and they split up in 1995 and released a new version Microsoft SQL 6.0. There are many different editions of Microsoft SQL server. SQL server runs on XP, Vista, Windows Server 2000, 2003 and 2008 etc. [1], [3]

Stein Mart a business chain found in 1902, Concentrating in brand name clothing, shoes, accessories and home decor with 268 stores in the United States, was facing an issue with delayed data reporting due to the performance issue with the company’s data warehouse system IBM DB2 and AS/400 with the limited amount of column and rows provided on this version, The company was only able to fulfill a certain amount of data. “As a result, weekly data processing took at least 14 hours. Wajsman says, data system manager “On a regular basis, the data wasn’t ready for planning sessions.” [2]

To improve the business capabilities and for cost cutting due to the increased amount spending on hardware licensing and maintenance cost each month, Stein Mart decided on bringing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 enterprise database software, SQL Server 2008 reporting services and SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse. With the help of Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Pragmatic Works, old data reports were able to transfer to the new system. [2]

1. What specific challenges does your database system implementation have?
The challenges were looking at different types of database system before making the big decision on what works better for the company in terms of improving the business capabilities, Time consuming and cost effectiveness. After looking carefully at Oracle, Netezza and Microsoft. Stein Mart decided on choosing Microsoft SQL Server.

2. In what ways does it provide competitive advantage for the organization using it?
The advantages are faster sales report. Weekly sales reports are processed in less than 3 hours compare to 14 hours with the old system. 95% Reduced monthly cost compare to the old system. The company will also reduce its system maintenance costs by $50,000 every month.

3. What improvements would you suggest?
Through my research I find out that there will be a new version of Microsoft SQL Server coming out soon, the code name is “DENALI”. I would recommend for this company to implement the new version of SQL. It might be little bit more costly but this new version has extra features and should be much faster too. So, for long run it will benefit the company in all aspects.


Using Database to Map Human Migration

Critical Thinking Questions

1. How is the manipulation of Genographic data similar to the manipulation of business data?
Answer. In Business data manipulation, After DBMS has been installed, Employees and Managers can use it to review reports and obtain important Information. It is similar to the Genographic data manipulation. In Genographic data manipulation, participant gets a swab for gathering DNA from the Inside of the mouth then the DNA sample is sent to the Genographic project by mail. Participants can trace the progress of the research on their DNA online. Once analyzed, the participant is provided with historical Information about their ancestors and migration paths dating back to that African community 60,000 years ago.

Q. What DBMS tools and techniques are shared by both?
Answer. The tools that are shared by both are the Data-mining and business-Intelligence tools, used by businesses to find correlations between Business data are applied to the DNA information stored by the Genographic project. Advanced trend-mapping and analysis tools provide a deeper understanding of mutation rates and DNA-merging behavior. Lastly Automation,( the use of Information Technologies to reduce the need of human work)provided by database tools.

2. How does National Geographics investment in this DBMS assist other researchers?
Answer. The participation of more than 300,000 volunteers has created one of the largest repositories of genetic information and with hundreds of thousands samples of collected data, Which will help other researchers benefit from the use of this DBMS.

Q. How might this data be shared using the database concepts taught in this chapter?
Answer. By using database with other software and with the internet, Researchers can interact directly with others. With the back-end applications people will be able to interact with other users and websites. Data manipulation language which is provided with the DMBS allows users to access and modify the data and generate reports and by storing the data it will allow data to be shared.

Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development

Rapid application is originally developed during the mid 1970’s by the New York telephone Co’s systems development center under the direction of Dan Gelan. The word rapid means “fast”. The term itself describes it can be delivered fast. It was developed to the need to deliver systems very fast. The Success of RAD depends on the Size, Project Scope and the Circumstances. Rapid application can be designed and developed within 60 to 90 days. Although rapid application was originally developed in 1978, it was further developed during the late 1980's by Scott Shultz and James Martin. They came up with the idea of advancing the systems in a short time frame which is called Rapid Iterative Production Prototyping (RIPP) with the help of small teams of highly qualified, motivated and experienced staff. “James Martin (who was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and is frequently called "the Guru of the Information Age") further expanded and formalized Rapid Iterative Production Prototyping and in 1991 published the book Rapid Application Development”. [1]

Many elements make RAD unique. Including prototyping, Iterative development, Time boxing, Team members, Management approach and RAD tools. Prototyping is to test theories and confirm performance before starting the production of a new product. Making progressively more functional system in a short period of time is Iterative development. Each version is reviewed with the client to generate the next version. The standard length of Iteration is between one day to three weeks. The process of putting off features to future application versions in order to complete the current version in as short time as possible is time boxing. Team effort is important while using RAD. It recommends small team that consists of experienced members that are able to perform multiple roles. In order to get the best results, energetic and involved management is also very important. RAD tools are valuable today as it was initially developed.[1],[2]

The advantages of RAD over the other applications are the greater flexibility, better user Involvement and shorter completion times. RAD is very successful when the application is standalone, has a timed schedule and performance is not critical. The disadvantages include, if it is being used for the unsuitable project objectives. If it is being used for the unsuitable project, RAD system can be less effective and there may be reduced features which won’t be effective for the particular project. [3]

Works cited:

Expert System

my expert system will let the patient choose the best treatment for the diagnosis according to the signs and symptoms.



Welcome to the charming world of medicine!

Press any key to begin the consultation."~
FIND the_treatment

The most appropriate treatment for this diagnosis is {the_treatment}

given according to the {diagnosis}."


RULE a1:
IF diagnosis = "pneumonia" AND
symptoms = "green phlegm" AND
sign = Fever
THEN the_treatment = "Antibiotics";
Your diagnosis will be cured by taking antibiotics."

RULE a2:
IF diagnosis = pneumonia AND
symptoms = cough OR
sign = Fever
THEN the_treatment = Nebulizer;
Your diagnosis will be cured by taking nebulizer treatments."

RULE a3:
IF diagnosis = SOB AND
chief_complaint = SOB AND
Symptoms = apnea
THEN treatment = "Oxygen";
Your diagnosis will be cured by using supplemental Oxygen."

RULE a4:
IF diagnosis = asthma OR
Chief_Complaint = "chest tightness" AND
Sign = "Decreased peak flow"
THEN treatment = "Nebulizer";
Your diagnosis will be cured by nebulizer treatments."

RULE a5:
IF diagnosis = "SOB" AND
Chief_Complaint = dyspnea AND
sign = "low oxygen"
THEN preference = "Oxygen";
Your diagnosis will most likely be cured by using supplemental Oxygen."

RULE a6:
IF diagnosis = Asthma AND
Chief_Complaint = dyspnea OR
Sign = Wheezing
THEN treatment = nebulizer;
Your diagnosis will be cured by using a nebulizer treatment."

RULE a7:
IF diagnosis = bronchitis AND
sign = Phlegm OR
symptoms = cough
THEN treatment = "Antibiotics";
Your dignosis will be cured by taking antibiotics."

RULE a8:
IF diagnosis = "Asthmatic Bronchitis" OR
Sign = Wheezing AND
Symptoms = cough
THEN preference = "Antibiotics";
Your diagnosis will be cured by taking antibiotics."

RULE a9:
IF diagnosis = "Asthma" AND
Sign = "chest tightness" OR
Symptoms = SOB
THEN the_treatment = Inhaler;
Your diagnosis will be most likely cured by using inhaler."

ASK Course "
nebulizer is given with What diagnosis?"

CHOICES diagnosis (Bronchitis, Asthmatic/Bronchitis, Asthma)

ASK Preference "
What is your preference in treatments?"

CHOICES Preference (Nebulizer, Antibiotics, Inhaler)

ASK Sign "
What is your sign?"

CHOICES Sign (Fever, Wheezing)

PLURAL (Course)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Today small and large Companies and Organizations are using MIS and DSS in variety of ways. With the understanding on how to market the business, it is also important to make knowledgeable decisions with manager’s up to date understanding on how to use the tools like, MIS (management information systems) and DSS (decision support systems).

Information system is used all throughout companies and organization, but the term MIS describes particular system that provides managers with weekly, monthly or yearly reports, access to organizations current performance, planning, controlling and helps with decision making at the management level. Manager primarily uses MIS to find the problem or the forthcoming problems and then to understand them by finding their locations and causes. [2]

DSS is a computer based system intended to help business owners, executives and managers solve complicated business problems and or questions. Report writing software within the DSS will produce periodic or special reports. Mathematical Model organizes result as simulations. Groupware the term known as GDSS allow several problem solvers working together as a group or directly to find the solutions. GDSS includes a committee or a project team. “previously regarded as primarily a tool for big companies, DSS has in recent years come to be recognized as a potentially valuable tool for small business enterprises” [1],[4]

Once an Organization Include MIS and DSS to their computers, it is available for managers and executives to generate information that organization need. This gives them the ability to produce documents, charts and graphs for employee meetings and to get an idea of their business potential. This system will be easy for employees to put data and to retrieve information just like the general computer interfaces and it will be the same manner department to department. [3]

Work Cited:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Social Networking Site, LinkedIn

Today it is rare to meet a person who does not have an account in any of the social networking sites like Face book, Orkut, hi5 etc. Most of these sites are open to people who is 13 years and older. People join these sites to meet new friends and to maintain a relationship with friends. But there is another famous social networking site for job hunters, which is called LinkedIn. It is a business related social networking site founded by Reid Hoffman in 2003. Currently LinkedIn has 115.8 million users worldwide. [1]

LinkedIn allows users to search for companies that they are Interested In and to gather Information like the percentages of the title and positions are held In that company. Users can add their Resume In their created profile. This will allow Recruiters to find the right match for their client companies. Employers can list jobs and find the promising candidate for their company. Users can send Invitation to friends and families to join this website. LinkedIn can be also accessible via mobile. [1]

This week LinkedIn is bringing out the new updated mobile apps for iphone, Android and HTML5. Joff Redfern the head of mobile products at LinkedIn Included In his statement the new apps are faster and designed for users to get a quicker access to the news and Information about their contacts and the companies the users are following. Features like, latest news updates from linked in will be in the update stream with the new job changes update from friends from your contact list. [2]

Another interesting upcoming application LinkedIn recently bought is the CardMunch, which the team is working on to bring in. This will allow users to scan the business card and save it into the people contacts in the phone. I personally think it is an Interesting application because it will save space in the wallet. With the HTML5 apps users who gets emails on the phone has a better, easy to read mobile version of the site. LinkedIn recently launched “apply with LinkedIn” so people who is putting application for a job can use their LinkedIn profile in the job application. [2]

With all these upgrades I think everyone should have an account in a business related social networking site like this. People, who currently has a job and looking for a better opportunity with a top company, New Graduates and also People who are laid off from work with experience from different companies can definitely benefit from this site.

Work Cited


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hardware and Software

Some of the Hardware and Software of Mobile Regime

Mobile business comes from people’s ability to have permanent access to information or services from anytime anywhere using a mobile phone or other handheld devices. It supports the business to exchange goods, services and information between employees, customers and business. “The value chain of mobile business is composed of five fields of activity. The infrastructure encompasses everything that is necessary to make applications on mobile devices work including the network, hardware, software, platforms, devices etc.”[3]


Email system e.g. Outlook or lotus notes - In this feature employees can communicate via emails for their needs and concerns.

Instant Messenger - People are able to communicate by instant messaging each other for questions and concerns of the work and people can put their availability e.g. If they are in a meeting or do not disturb mode.

Microsoft Office - By using this software such as Microsoft word or excel and power point, employees are able to do their work efficiently.

Operating System - windows or UNIX platform - An operating system takes care for all input and output in a computer system. It manages users, processes, memory management, printing, telecommunication, networking etc. [2]


VPN (Virtual Private Network) – A VPN is a private network that uses a public network such as internet to connect remotely. “ By using a VPN, businesses ensure security -- anyone intercepting the encrypted data can't read it.” [1] This is very convenient for people who travel to different part of the country/world as part of their work and they are able to connect to their business the system securely.

Pager – Some employees carry pager with them if they are on call at work, so employers are able to reach them in case of emergencies.

Firewall- Firewall gives protection to the computer from other hackers trying to break into the computer or network.

Handheld Device – I-Phone, I-Pad, I-Touch, etc.

For example, my co-worker uses a handheld device to track all her supplies and this helps her order supplies and bill suppliers for payment.




Sunday, September 25, 2011

Information Concepts

I want to point out how we use data and information in our daily life. There are variety of ways we use information and data in our daily life. Such as using computer at work place to feed information or to get information, using cell phones, GPS navigation system in cars and cell phones, online banking, etc. I would like to talk about how information and data used in healthcare settings and their differences. “Data refers to the lowest abstract or a raw input which when processed or arranged makes meaningful output. Information is usually the processed outcome of data.” (2) “Information is central to the delivery of medical care. This simple fact is well understood. It is the driving force behind continuing efforts to apply computers to the task of managing information in the hospital setting.” (3)

Hospitals and health care organization use data and information in variety of ways. I have been working in different hospital settings, and I find it easier to use computer charting than manual charting. Some of the disadvantages to manual charting is open access to patient’s information to other people and it is an invasion of patient privacy. Valuable information such as patient personal information, insurance information, medical diagnosis, physician progress notes etc. which should be kept confidential and only be handled by professionals who has access to the system. The use of information system helped better patient care, more safety and cost effective services in hospitals.

“Even though information technology is now common in a number of hospitals and biomedical laboratories, in the 1950s only a small number of scientists imagined its enormous potential. In 1967, supported by NCRR, doctor Homer Warner led a seminal effort that created one of the first bioinformatics systems.” “As computer systems advanced, in the 1970s a hospital information system named HELP developed (Health Evaluation through Logical Processing), which collected extensive patient data. This integrative approach to organizing and storing patient information gave health professionals access to the totality of records in one system, which supported their decision making.” (1).

Work Cited
1. Staropoli, Al. “Use Of Information Technology In Hospitals”
2. information/

Analyzing Value of an Information Systems

My topic for today is Online Banking System and its value to company as well as the users/customers.

Online/Mobile banking is a system that allows customers/users to access their account from anywhere, anytime in the world by using a computer or mobile as long as you have internet connection. It is easy and convenient to customers who are busy with their work and for people who does not drive, etc. [2]

Now days, all the financial institutions are offering online banking to their customers, with some banks being completely online. Both businesses and individuals can benefit from online banking. “Convenience is one of the major advantages of banking online, but it isn’t the only one. There are many reasons to bank online, from saving you money to being more environmental in your way of life.” [1]

Added Value to Bank/Company

· Attract more customers

· Labor reduction due to less employees/teller

· Online statements availability to customers, so that bank does not need to send out monthly paper statement to each customer unless the customer requests it.

· Bank can provide more products information via their websites to customers, such as mortgage, loans, etc.

Added Value to Customer/Users

· Convenience – Anytime anywhere access to your account

· Instant Transfer money between accounts

· Online Bill Pay – Customers able to pay their bills through online banking rather than drive to post office. This saves money on gas and stamps. You can also pay an individual through online banking, e.g. write a check to someone and if you know their address the bank will send it out.

· Automatic Bill pay – Set up a monthly payment and repeat it every month.

· Mobile Access to accounts

Processes Constitute main system components

(Assuming you are a registered user)

Input – When a person enter his/her User ID and password into the system login.

Process – So, the User ID and password goes through a validation process and verifies that the User ID and password exist in the database.

Output – Successfully login and use different functionality such as view your balance, transfer funds, bill pay, etc.




Student Information

1. What is your major?

I am majoring in Information Systems

2. What operating system do you have on your computer?

Windows XP

3. Do you have the right to upgrade the software on your computer?

Yes, I think so.

4. What Internet and computer related courses have you already taken and what are your usual activities on the Internet (Facebook, email, chats, etc.)?

My previous computer course was Computer Applications years ago. My usual activities on the internet is Facebook and emails. Also another social networking site called Orkut.

5. Have you taken online courses before?


6. Do you have MS Office on your computer? If yes, which version?

Yes, 2010.

7. Do you work anywhere now?

Yes, I work full time as a Respiratory Therapist for Genesis Nursing Home & Rehab

8. When do you graduate?

Right now, I am doing part time(2 courses per semseter) So, I am not sure when is the exact graduation year. I would love to finish by 2013.

9. Add anything you want about your interests, skills, job projects, etc. that might help the instructor and students understand you and your computer/Internet skills and interests better.

I always had a passion to work with computers. right now I am working in the medical field as a respiratory therapist, but at the same time I would like to finish my bachelors in Information system. so that I can get into more of a system related job in the future.

10. What are your hobbies or what do you like to do outside of school and work ?

I like cooking, watching movies, listening to music and hanging out with friends.

Value Chain

Value Chain

“A value chain is a chain of activities for a firm operating in a specific industry. Products pass through all activities of the chain in order, and at each activity the product gains some value. The chain of activities gives the products more added value than the sum of the independent activity's value. It is important not to mix the concept of the value chain with the costs occurring throughout the activities”[1]

Inbound logistics

This is where the used cd’s are received from students to be stored until it is send it to the production/assembly line. In order to start the business, you need to gather your supplies and raw materials and then sell the finished products. It is very important to have a storing place where you can store your raw materials. e.g. A restaurant needs to have a store room in order to keep the stock to run the business. Since, we are only selling the used CDs, the CDs we bought from the students are stored here.


Since we are using used CDs, in order to give the customer a good quality case or cover we need to manufacture it here in the operations department. It is where the packing of our goods will take place also.

Customer service

Customer service is a important part in every business. When customers order goods from online, without seeing the product they will have questions and concerns before ordering the product. Customer service is the place where the customers calls if the shipment is late to arrive or when the customer is not satisfied with the quality of the product.

Marketing and sales

Since I am buying and selling used CDs from students, college will be the best place to market my goods. I will make flyers with all the detailed information and pictures of my goods and post it in cafeterias, student lounge, library and dormitory. Another important way of marketing my CDs are through social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, etc. People will be able to find these social networking logos on our website.

Outbound logistics

Our finished goods/CDs will go through distribution channels such as UPS, USPS, FedEx and DHL. We have standard delivery which is usually 3-5 business days and we also have expedited delivery services which is 1-2 business days. We have free shipping also depending on the quantity of the order.

Finished product storage

This is where all the finished cd’s will be stored and ready to be delivered. For this we will have a small ware house.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

System Concept

System Concepts
Systems can be considered in two ways, open and closed systems.  Open systems exchange information and a closed system is one where interactions occur only among the system components and not with the environment.  An open system is one that receives input from the environment and/or releases output to the environment. [3]
There are different types of systems such as Open or Closed systems, Man-made Information Systems, Formal and Informal Information Systems and Computer Based Information Systems. [2] The key components of the information systems are Input, processing and output.  The system receives various inputs and transforms/process these inputs in some way and exports outputs. [1] 
I would like to talk about a system that I use on a daily basis at work.  The system is called Point Click Care.   This system helps employees to view patient information, and documentation on patient status entered by physicians and other employees.  This is an easier way to communicate between the staffs who are dealing with the patients.  
Key Features and Benefits of Point Click Care
Patient Information - This is where the personal information like age, DOB, Insurance information, Doctors names and emergency contact numbers are provided.  This information is very confidential and only can be viewed by their respective care takers who have access to the system.
Medical Diagnosis - this feature shows the medical diagnosis of the patient such as the history of diagnosis with dates and year the patient admitted to the facility.  It also provides ICD code of the diagnosis to bill the insurance.  This helps employees to view the history of patient on the computer rather than using the chart to view history.
Physician Progress Notes - It helps the employees who are taking care of the patient to view the doctor’s feedback on the patient status.
Assessment - It is where the employees such as Nurses, Respiratory Therapist and other medical staffs enter their daily assessments of their patients.
